Pawning an item simply means receiving a collateral loan on a valuable piece of merchandise. In the State of Florida, the loan is valid for 30 days. A pawn transaction is a perfect solution to acquiring quick cash with no credit needed. Getting a loan on an item is not only a great way to get cash but can also be useful to keep your merchandise in a safe location while out of town. When in need of cash, pawning valuables is the perfect solution.


  1. Bring in an item of value to be reviewed by a pawnbroker.
  2. Present a valid state or federal picture I.D. such as a drivers license.
  3. Agree upon a loan value with the pawnbroker.
  4. Sign and Fingerprint your loan contract.
  5. Receive Your Cash!
  6. Your item is safely packaged and stored by the pawnbroker for 30 days until your return.
  7. Within 30 days you can pick up your merchandise by paying back the principle (the amount loaned to you) plus the interest. If you cannot repay the loan in full, or choose to leave your item with the pawnbroker for an extended period of time, you may pay to the pawnbroker the interest due on the loan. This will extend the loan period for another 30 days.